Mild cigars are occasionally misinterpreted as being boring.

This couldn’t be further from the truth.

In actuality, a cigar that has been labelled as “mild” has the ability to exhibit as much flavor and character as any “strong” cigar can.

When a cigar is deemed strong, it actually has little to do with taste or flavor, and instead pertains to the amount of nicotine that the cigar has and the subsequent effect that it has on the body.

Depending on the situation, a strong cigar can be overwhelming. I find that strong cigars can overwhelm when smoked very early in the day, when on an empty stomach, or when the weather is quite hot.

In these times, I reach for a cigar that is more on the milder side – for even mild cigars are essentially pretty strong when you get right down to it – especially if you are an occasional smoker.

PRO TIP: If you have chosen to pair a libation with your cigar, strong cigars have the ability to overpower your drink.

You wouldn’t want a lovely Speyside single malt Scotch or an elegant blended Japanese whisky to become muted by some strong, spicy Maduro cigar, now would you?

This is an ideal time to grab a mild cigar.

Having said that, here are 10 Mild Cigars that Are BIG on Taste:

  1. Ashton Classic

The Ashton Classic Magnum is made with the finest 3 to 4 year old Dominican filler and binder tobaccos and is enveloped by a flawless Connecticut shade wrapper. A mild cigar that is undoubtedly very complex and full flavored.

Did I mention that it is made for Ashton by Carlito Fuente?

  • Wrapper: Connecticut Shade Grown
  • Binder: Dominican 
  • Filler: Dominican

2. Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No. 2

The size Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No. 2 is a favorite among fans of Cuban cigars for its delicate nuance, complexity and aroma. The No. 2 is a case study in how a cigar can deliver layers of flavor while preserving delicacy and sophistication.

  • Wrapper: Cuban
  • Binder: Cuban
  • Filler: Cuban

3. Arturo Fuente Chateau Fuente

From the very moment you light up the Arturo Fuente Chateau Fuente Natural, it’s Connecticut shade wrapper will captivate you. Experience this smooth, creamy blend and see what the cigar world has been talking about for a long time now.

  • Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
  • Binder: Dominican
  • Filler: Dominican

4. Casa Magna Connecticut

When it comes to the Casa Magna Connecticut, take it from renowned Master Blender Manolo Quesada;

“It definitely has personality to it and a little intensity. I’ve been making Connecticut cigars for over 48 years now, and this one stands out with an intensity level that is a bit unusual for a Connecticut-wrapped cigar.”

  • Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
  • Binder: Nicaraguan
  • Filler: Nicaragua

5. Macanudo Café

The mellow profile of the classic Macunudo Café makes it approachable and enjoyable for beginners, yet it’s flavor and complexity yield a premium smoking experience for aficionados, making it the perfect cigar for smoking and sharing with others in your group.

  • Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
  • Binder: Mexican San Andrés 
  • Filler: Mexican, Dominican Piloto Cubano

6. La Galera Connecticut

Crafted to offer more character than your typical Connecticut-wrapped cigar, the La Galera Connecticut offers up a rich taste with notes of roasted nuts, cocoa, Cuban coffee, and floral tones that make it really stand out from the rest of the pack.

  • Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
  • Binder: Dominican Piloto Cubano
  • Filler: Dominican

7. San Cristobal Elegancia

The San Cristobal Elegancia is handcrafted at the Garcia family’s My Father factory in Estelí, Nicaragua.

Draped in a silky, golden-brown Connecticut wrapper leaf grown in Ecuador and jam-packed with rich Nicaraguan long-fillers, this cigar delivers a burn that’s notably smooth and creamy, but still loaded with flavor.

  • Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
  • Binder: Nicaraguan
  • Filler: Nicaraguan

8. E.P. Carrillo New Wave Connecticut

The E.P. Carrillo New Wave is a Connecticut-wrapped cigar that’s bold, yet mellow. Smooth and creamy nuances smack the palate from start to finish, leaving behind a toasty array of leather and sweet tobacco with each puff.

  • Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
  • Binder: Nicaraguan
  • Filler: Dominican

9. Davidoff Signature Series

One of the smoothest cigars available today, the Davidoff Signature Series features an Ecuador Connecticut wrapper leaf over Dominican binders and long-fillers.

The Signature Series delivers a smooth profile of natural tobacco and cream, with a clean and elegant finish.

  • Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
  • Binder: Dominican
  • Filler: Dominican

10. Rocky Patel Vintage 1999 Connecticut

The Vintage 1999 Connecticut uses an exquisite 7-year-old Connecticut leaf to tame Rocky’s award-winning mixture of 8-year-old Dominican and Nicaraguan long-leaf ligeros.

The result is a hearty, slightly spicy cigar with creamy notes of earth and toasted wood. A flavorful mellow choice cigar to pair with your morning cup of coffee.

  • Wrapper: Connecticut
  • Binder: Mexican
  • Filler: Dominican, Nicaraguan


In looking at this list, it’s easy to see that cigars which utilize an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper seem to reign supreme when it comes to flavorful mild cigars. Of course, there are carefully chosen binder and fillers under there that also play a key role in creating a cohesive, flavorful blend.

Though I’ve compiled a list of merely 10 excellent mild cigars, there are countless more that are also lauded for flavor and complexity while maintaining a very approachable, smooth character.

Enjoy tackling this list – but don’t stop there.

Do so and you’ll quickly see why there’s nothing boring about a great mild cigar.